Thursday, March 15, 2007

Mom and Gav Visit

Heres a little glimpse into what their trip looked like.............
Love you. Miss you. 77 days.

Friday, March 09, 2007


Sooooo as i sit here pacing my room waiting for my Mom and brother to arrive (3 hours!!!!!) i decided to throw some pictures up....enjoy.
Love, Tyler

Thursday, March 01, 2007

I went to Wolsfburg and all I got was Sambuca-ed (more spefically in my eye)

Good afternoon all,

I wish i could exapljn the title of this Blog but sadly you had to be there in order to witness it. So is life sometimes. But one thing i can tell you is that last weekend i travled to Wolsfburg and met up with a couple of exchange. Just given the nature of exchnage students and this seemingly invisible yet obvious connection that we intstantly have, this weekend was bound to be a great time.

After travling for a good 3 hours and riding on my first German train that showed up late (15 minutes....come on Deutsche Bahn!) i arrived in Wolsfburg.

The rest of the weekend consisted of a lot of laughs, visiting the local VW toursit thing (very interesting by the way, they also have great pizza) making late night Mcdonalds runs and then eating them in the entrance of a bank because we were so cold, and basically just having an all-around swell time.

One thing i must mention though. Sometimes i am overwhelmed by the generosity of Rotarians.

To illustrate this point i will use the host family of the girl i visited in Wolsfburg.

1. They invited 3 exchange students into there home. (Scary in itself)

2. They made us breakfast, lunch and dinner.

3. Her host dad paid for our entrance into the VW center (not cheap), gave us 50 euros for lunch

4. Gave us money for taxis, so we could get home at night

5. Took us on a good 5 hour "culture tour" of Wolsfburg and the surrounding area, paying for museums and taking us on fun little adventures. Example: at the museum that was the one of the largest checkpoints along the highway for people from the west driving through the east in order to get to free west berlin; Brittany's ( the girl i visited) Host dad took us on this back road where we proceeded to stop at the base of an old DDR (East Germany) guard tower, crawl through a hole at the bottom and climb to the top. SOOOO COOL. Have you been to the top of an old DDR guard tower...didnt think so.

Sadly i have only 2 pictures from the weekend because i am waiting to recieve more from the other exchnage students. but you can see these 2 pictures above. And yes, that is me straddling a tank, and yes, I am in alot of pain....lets just say I didn't exactly "mount the tank" in the smoothest way...if ya catch my drift.

My brother and mom come in one week. Now read this last sentence and picture me doing a nice little victory dance. In true Anders/Herron fashion it involves a decent amount of hip thrusting and booty shaking...hope you have a great mental picture.

In exactly 3 months i will boarding a plane for the USA.
