Monday, September 18, 2006

Rotary Weekend in Wolfenbuttel

Guten Tag all my stateside friends.
Well another week down here in good ol' Germany. This weekend i had another rotary trip in northern Germany in a town called Wolfenbuttel. I left Friday afternoon with my host dad, brother and Luis (the brasilian exchange student in my town) My host brother came on the weekend with us because he is a member of Rotex. Which is a group within rotary made up of people who went on exchanges a couple of years ago. They were the ones who hosted the weekend. We arrived in Wolfenbuttel around 5 o'clock and hung out, ate and took a walk around wolfebuttel at 2 in the morning because all of us exchange students slept at a school in the Gym and it was really hot and smelly so none of us could sleep. So, i finally got to sleep around 5 in the morning and then the Rotex people kindly got us up at 8 in the morning. I awoke on Saturday day morning and was in a bad mood and feeling pretty homesick. Saturday was kinda boring and i was a little annoyed with everyone. But i took a nap in the afternoon and felt better after that. Saturday was very long and once again i didnt get to sleep until 4 or 5 in the morning. We left Wolfenbuttel around 11 on Sunday morning and i didnt get come until 5 in the afternoon. It felt so good to be "home" though. I had dinner with my host family, laughed alot and then watched 24 with Phillip. Thank you Jack Bauer for not only saving the world but promoting international friendship! But overall the weekend was ok.

I woke up on Monday to overcast skies and cooler weather. Finally! i have been waiting for cooler weather. Today was a really good day. I talked to alot of people at school, in german of course, and i went into the city with the other american and a girl from our class. We had a good conversation and i enjoyed some delicous pommes (fries) I came home after school ate and then decided to read a little before i went to sport (PE) so i read and then i fell asleep on the couch. When i awoke i was my face was sticking to their leather couch and after realizing where i was i rememberd that i had sport. Well, to put it simply, i slept through soccer. Whoops. I dont really care though becuase sleeping felt amazing.

Overall, i am doing very well. It is a constant rollercoaster of emotions from an overwhelming excitement at the possibility of learning another language to the low of missing family and friends.

Well i must go becuase i have been holed up in my room for close to 2 hours and hunger is calling me once again to the kitchen. Love you all and talk to you soon


1 comment:

Eric said...

If you get your host parents to load up on Prozac and Valium for you, that should take care of those "emotional swings"