So, despite his best efforts not to arrive in Germany, Brent is finally here in the great town of Hann. Muenden.
Stayed tuned!!!!
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Munich, Vacation and More

Drumroll please............... 2 months, 2 months today. 2 months down 7 to go. I made it through the first 2 months and i get to see Brent tommorow. Life is good.
So, lets roll the clock back a couple days to Friday afternoon. Philipp and I left for Munich around 5 o'clock aboard an ICE (inter-city express) train, aka the fastest ones. Nothing to exciting to report about the train ride. I listened to exactly 45 songs aka about 4 hours or so and then we were there. We arrived at the main train station and then took another train to the place we were staying. We stayed with my guest second cousin. How about that? We got to her house around 10, got something to eat, watched Starsky and Hutch, then went to bed.
We got up Saturday morning, took our time getting ready then Philipp and I left for the downtown area of Munich. It was absolutly crazy, there were so many people out. It didn't help that their was a protest going on at the same time. We wandered around for a little bit and then decided to take a bus tour of the city. It was about an hour long and so interesting. We saw all the "main attractions" in Munich. After that we went walking through a local market and decided to get something to eat. We had a pretzel, and white sausage with a sweet mustard sauce (see picture) So, it was pretty much your sterotypical southern German meal.
After lunch we walked around, shopped a little, visited some churches, visited the Olympic park where the 1972 olympics were, then went back around 7:30.
Got up on sunday, once again took it slow getting ready, packed and then headed once more in to the city. We went to the "Deutsches Museum" in Munich, which is huge. We looked around for about an hour and half, you need abou 7 to see the whole museum. After that we walked to the top of one of the famous churches. It was an amazing view and worth the Euro it costed.
After that we once again boarded an ever reliable German train and headed back to Hann. Muenden.
Like i mentioned earlier, today is two months. My german is coming along, I feel like I'm right on the edge of understanding so much more. I miss family and friends and "home' everyday but i don't think there is anything wrong with that.
I finshed the 2nd season of LOST. Pretty much amazing. Watch it.
Oh, i received my absentee ballot in the mail today. So, all of you better vote this year because if i vote and you don't...well thats just sad.
2 months until Christmas!!! Mom you know what that means...we have only a couple more weeks until we begin listening to christmas music! Randy Travis here i come!
Unless you already started mom :)
Good night and good luck,
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
"Hey, I've got nothing to do today but smile..."
That clip comes from an amazing song, which basically describes the days of October 15-October 18. If you know this song then congratualtions, i hope it touched you in some special way like it did me. If not you should all hear this song... but which song is it? Does anyone know????
I hope someone leaves a comment with the right answer...
Anyways, to those of you who forgot, i have a two week vacation right now. So, Sunday morning me, Luis and Inga loaded up the car and traveled to Inga's childhood home in Watenstedt to visit her Mom.
We left around noon on Sunday morning and travled through the Harz Wald, which is a forest. It was foggy, cold but absolutly beautiful. My host brother had left the Garden State Soundtrack in the car and for this, i am oh so thankful. Driving through a German forest, listening to the Garden State Soundtrack will forever be something i won't forget. After about 2 hours of driving we reached our first destination a castle called: Burg Falkenstein im Harz. At this castle we consumed excellent bratwurst and gluehwein, which is a hot red wine, which is absolutly amazing on a cold day, toured the castle and marveled at the beauty that is Germany, then we once again hit the road. We traveled to an old town in the former DDR, which has been recently restored. We once again consumed some cake and hot chocolate and soaked up the atmosphere and the rich history of the city. It is amazing to see the effects that communism had on former east germany and how still the repercussions are still so evident today. After this and few more Kilometers of German highway we reached our destination: Inga's parents home.
Inga's Father died in 2001, so it just her mother living there now. Inga's parents were and still are farmers and they have a beautiful home in the small town of Watenstedt. We arrived on Sunday night and had an amazing meal and then watched Fluch Der Karibik. Literaly translated: Curse of the Carribean or as you may know it: Pirates of the Carribean.
Woke up Monday morning and visited a section of the Wall that has been preserved as a memorial. It was truly sobering to see. I can't imagine what it was like when it was fully operational. Then we drove to another small little town and met up with Inga's sister in Law. they are also farmers and have a beutiful home. She took us to the city of Magdeburg. This city was almost completly destoryed in the last days of WWII, it was the second most devestated city in Germany next to Dresden. We visited the Cathederal there, which took about three hundred years to build and was absolutly beautiful. Even though i dont believe that God is in a church more than He is everywhere else, there is still something special about those old churches. After that we went back to Inga's brothers house, had some tea and cake, and then drove with him to see his farms. Being a city boy i was fascinated by the whole "farm process"
We then drove home, ate, watched some TV, and went to bed.
Got up Tuesday and drove to Wolfenbuttel where we met another American exchange student, her name is Jen. We toured around Wolfenbuttel for a while and then went back to the city where Jen lives: Braunschweig
We saw some of Braunschweig, got something to eat and then went back to Jen's host families house and had some tea and cake. Then luis and i took the train back to Watenstedt.
And that brings us to today. I'm back in Muenden until Friday then i go to Munich with my host brother. I am so excited for that. We are going to have such a good time.
And so time goes on here in Germany. Brent comes in a week. Thats pretty much the best thing that could happen.
Good night and Good luck....
Here are some pictures from the weekend
I hope someone leaves a comment with the right answer...
Anyways, to those of you who forgot, i have a two week vacation right now. So, Sunday morning me, Luis and Inga loaded up the car and traveled to Inga's childhood home in Watenstedt to visit her Mom.
We left around noon on Sunday morning and travled through the Harz Wald, which is a forest. It was foggy, cold but absolutly beautiful. My host brother had left the Garden State Soundtrack in the car and for this, i am oh so thankful. Driving through a German forest, listening to the Garden State Soundtrack will forever be something i won't forget. After about 2 hours of driving we reached our first destination a castle called: Burg Falkenstein im Harz. At this castle we consumed excellent bratwurst and gluehwein, which is a hot red wine, which is absolutly amazing on a cold day, toured the castle and marveled at the beauty that is Germany, then we once again hit the road. We traveled to an old town in the former DDR, which has been recently restored. We once again consumed some cake and hot chocolate and soaked up the atmosphere and the rich history of the city. It is amazing to see the effects that communism had on former east germany and how still the repercussions are still so evident today. After this and few more Kilometers of German highway we reached our destination: Inga's parents home.
Inga's Father died in 2001, so it just her mother living there now. Inga's parents were and still are farmers and they have a beautiful home in the small town of Watenstedt. We arrived on Sunday night and had an amazing meal and then watched Fluch Der Karibik. Literaly translated: Curse of the Carribean or as you may know it: Pirates of the Carribean.
Woke up Monday morning and visited a section of the Wall that has been preserved as a memorial. It was truly sobering to see. I can't imagine what it was like when it was fully operational. Then we drove to another small little town and met up with Inga's sister in Law. they are also farmers and have a beutiful home. She took us to the city of Magdeburg. This city was almost completly destoryed in the last days of WWII, it was the second most devestated city in Germany next to Dresden. We visited the Cathederal there, which took about three hundred years to build and was absolutly beautiful. Even though i dont believe that God is in a church more than He is everywhere else, there is still something special about those old churches. After that we went back to Inga's brothers house, had some tea and cake, and then drove with him to see his farms. Being a city boy i was fascinated by the whole "farm process"
We then drove home, ate, watched some TV, and went to bed.
Got up Tuesday and drove to Wolfenbuttel where we met another American exchange student, her name is Jen. We toured around Wolfenbuttel for a while and then went back to the city where Jen lives: Braunschweig
We saw some of Braunschweig, got something to eat and then went back to Jen's host families house and had some tea and cake. Then luis and i took the train back to Watenstedt.
And that brings us to today. I'm back in Muenden until Friday then i go to Munich with my host brother. I am so excited for that. We are going to have such a good time.
And so time goes on here in Germany. Brent comes in a week. Thats pretty much the best thing that could happen.
Good night and Good luck....
Here are some pictures from the weekend
Saturday October 14th
Hello America, this is Tyler Anders reporting from Germany.
I know this blog is a little late, but it is better that i start at the beginning so i wont forget anything since much has happened since my last post.
On Saturday, me, Inga (host mom) Jurgen (host dad)and Luis (other exchange student from Brazil) traveled to a town called Eisenach and Wartburg (a castle)
Luis and I took a tour of the castle: Some interesting facts: The first parts of the castle were thought to be built in the year 1080, Martin Luther spent 10 months living in the castle, Why? Oh, he was just translating the New Testament into German. Also, the princess Elizabeth of Hungary lived in this castle, you may know her as Saint Elisabeth. If you want an example of true christian service and love, check out her life.
The entire day was very interesting and educational; there was something almost holy about seeing the place were the Bible was translated and basically where Protestantism was born.
After the castle tour we visited some nearby towns, another small castle had some hot chocolate and cake (i love this german tradition, America should take notes)
Oh, my next post will have a lot of pictures.
I know this blog is a little late, but it is better that i start at the beginning so i wont forget anything since much has happened since my last post.
On Saturday, me, Inga (host mom) Jurgen (host dad)and Luis (other exchange student from Brazil) traveled to a town called Eisenach and Wartburg (a castle)
Luis and I took a tour of the castle: Some interesting facts: The first parts of the castle were thought to be built in the year 1080, Martin Luther spent 10 months living in the castle, Why? Oh, he was just translating the New Testament into German. Also, the princess Elizabeth of Hungary lived in this castle, you may know her as Saint Elisabeth. If you want an example of true christian service and love, check out her life.
The entire day was very interesting and educational; there was something almost holy about seeing the place were the Bible was translated and basically where Protestantism was born.
After the castle tour we visited some nearby towns, another small castle had some hot chocolate and cake (i love this german tradition, America should take notes)
Oh, my next post will have a lot of pictures.
Thursday, October 12, 2006
A year ago tommorow i found out that I was chosen to be an exchange student in the year 2006-2007.
"Dear Tyler
Thank you for taking the time to return for a second interview today. It has been a difficult task to narrow our selections to only four students. The committee would like to inform you that you have been chosen as one of those four people. Congratulations!"
It seems crazy to think that this journey started one year ago. So much has changed since i made that decesion to "accept" this exchange. I dont think i would even recognize myself.
So, we have been in crisis mode here in Deutschland. THE COFFEE MACHINE NEEDS A NEW FILTER. That has meant no coffee for the past 3 days. What can one do??? Well, do not fear, a new filter comes tommorow. But not wanting to wait until then, and deeming it ok, Inga and i went back to drinking our daily amount of coffee. A cup or two or three for me and alot of espresso for her. Know i just need to find a way to get that coffee machine back home with me. :)
Today was a really good day. i didn't have my first 3 classes because the teachers are gone and Germans dont believe in substitutes. so i slept in until 9:45 and then went to school. School was boring as usual but hopefully some day that will not be the case.
I came home, ate, started signing up for the Euro tour at the end of the year, which is a huge 3 week trip all through out europe from March 16-April 7th. That is going to be an amazing way to end the year. After that i took a bike ride, because it was a beautiful fall day here and know i'm just relaxing at the ol' house here.
Now for another round of Tyler's thoughts on Germany....
First, i must echo what my good friend brent said about this little thing we like to call a "foreign exchange.' (thanks for the insight brent) This year really does feel like a Christmas present that you really really wanted. You wait and wait for so long, with so much anticipation but when it comes the excitement lasts for a while and then you want to move on to something else.
Second, this exchange has taught me to appreciate the little things in life. A cup of coffee, watching a good tv show aka Lost, after eights or candy in general, a good meal, coming home and seeing i have an email or a message from a family member or friend. Talking with friends. MUSIC and a thousand other things each day that keep me going.
well....i think thats all for today. one more day of school then a 2 week break!!!!
Oh ya i want a T-shirt that says I'm not retarted...just foreign.
i love you all
"Dear Tyler
Thank you for taking the time to return for a second interview today. It has been a difficult task to narrow our selections to only four students. The committee would like to inform you that you have been chosen as one of those four people. Congratulations!"
It seems crazy to think that this journey started one year ago. So much has changed since i made that decesion to "accept" this exchange. I dont think i would even recognize myself.
So, we have been in crisis mode here in Deutschland. THE COFFEE MACHINE NEEDS A NEW FILTER. That has meant no coffee for the past 3 days. What can one do??? Well, do not fear, a new filter comes tommorow. But not wanting to wait until then, and deeming it ok, Inga and i went back to drinking our daily amount of coffee. A cup or two or three for me and alot of espresso for her. Know i just need to find a way to get that coffee machine back home with me. :)
Today was a really good day. i didn't have my first 3 classes because the teachers are gone and Germans dont believe in substitutes. so i slept in until 9:45 and then went to school. School was boring as usual but hopefully some day that will not be the case.
I came home, ate, started signing up for the Euro tour at the end of the year, which is a huge 3 week trip all through out europe from March 16-April 7th. That is going to be an amazing way to end the year. After that i took a bike ride, because it was a beautiful fall day here and know i'm just relaxing at the ol' house here.
Now for another round of Tyler's thoughts on Germany....
First, i must echo what my good friend brent said about this little thing we like to call a "foreign exchange.' (thanks for the insight brent) This year really does feel like a Christmas present that you really really wanted. You wait and wait for so long, with so much anticipation but when it comes the excitement lasts for a while and then you want to move on to something else.
Second, this exchange has taught me to appreciate the little things in life. A cup of coffee, watching a good tv show aka Lost, after eights or candy in general, a good meal, coming home and seeing i have an email or a message from a family member or friend. Talking with friends. MUSIC and a thousand other things each day that keep me going.
well....i think thats all for today. one more day of school then a 2 week break!!!!
Oh ya i want a T-shirt that says I'm not retarted...just foreign.
i love you all
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
i'm eating gummi bears...
Sorry that title really has nothing to do with this blog, though i am currently consuming Haribo gummi bears...ummm so good.
I received a package in the mail yesterday from my wonderful mother. This pretty much made my day. I began watching the second season of Lost. I watched 4 episodes. That also made my day. I purchased a box of After Eights today, that also made my day. If you dont know what After Eights are, they are Gods gift to humanity and perhaps one of my favorite things in Germany. Don't worry i will bring some home.
So to those of you who know me, you know that I greatly enjoy my sleep. Now, take that enjoyment and multiply it by a hundred and you have the amount that i enjoy sleeping here. Why, do you ask? Well probably because I am constantly tired from speaking German. Come about 3 0'clock everyday i am so ready for a nap. Well, this poses a problem when i have to be back to school at 3:40 for my PE class. So yesterday, I believe it was right around 3 i decided to get ready for PE and then lay down just for a couple of minutes. That was my first mistake. At 4:10 i shot off the pillow and ran like crazy upstairs. I started out the door, rounded the corner at Beethovanstrasse and got almost all the way to school and then stooped, turned around, came home and mowed the lawn. I found mowing the lawn much better than trying to explain, (in German) why i was late. Who needs PE, i already know how to play soccer. Just kidding Rotary, I'll go next week.
Much love,
I received a package in the mail yesterday from my wonderful mother. This pretty much made my day. I began watching the second season of Lost. I watched 4 episodes. That also made my day. I purchased a box of After Eights today, that also made my day. If you dont know what After Eights are, they are Gods gift to humanity and perhaps one of my favorite things in Germany. Don't worry i will bring some home.
So to those of you who know me, you know that I greatly enjoy my sleep. Now, take that enjoyment and multiply it by a hundred and you have the amount that i enjoy sleeping here. Why, do you ask? Well probably because I am constantly tired from speaking German. Come about 3 0'clock everyday i am so ready for a nap. Well, this poses a problem when i have to be back to school at 3:40 for my PE class. So yesterday, I believe it was right around 3 i decided to get ready for PE and then lay down just for a couple of minutes. That was my first mistake. At 4:10 i shot off the pillow and ran like crazy upstairs. I started out the door, rounded the corner at Beethovanstrasse and got almost all the way to school and then stooped, turned around, came home and mowed the lawn. I found mowing the lawn much better than trying to explain, (in German) why i was late. Who needs PE, i already know how to play soccer. Just kidding Rotary, I'll go next week.
Much love,
Saturday, October 07, 2006
So ist das Leben
Thursday- I gave a presentation to my English class about Fort collins, the US, my friends, what i do, ect... It was alot of fun to talk about home and show them some pictures. Soccer practice was good. nothing to exciting today.
Friday- Friday was ok. for some reason i was feeling really homesick and once again questioning, Why am i here? But friday night i went into the city with a friend from school, got some ice cream and hot chocolate and walked around for like 2 hours. Speaking German the whole time. YES! then i came home and watched Crash, which was such a good movie but really sad.
I think my main struggle in germany is this: for 18 years i have poured everything into my life in Fort collins. Family, Friends, school, sports, youth group and life in general. Who you are becomes defined but what you do, who you know, how smart you are ect. When this is taken away one is left with the question: who am i? Was i the one who defined my life or did my life define me? You begin to find out who you really are, and at times that is a scary adventure. But sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the same. funny how that works.
There is an old Zen story about a Monk being chased by ferocious tiger. the monk is running from tiger, when he comes to the edge of cliff, he looks back and sees the tiger about to attack but at the last second he spots a rope hanging over the end of the cliff, he grabs it and begins to climb down. As the monk is hanging there he looks down and sees a quarry of jagged rocks 500 feet below him, he looks up and sees the tiger waiting at the edge of cliff. just then two mice begin nawing at the rope. So what can he do? The monk looks around and sees a strawberry within arms reach growing on the side of the cliff. He reaches out, picks it, eats it and exclaims
"That was the best strawberry i have ever tasted in my whole life."
Think about that for the rest of your life....
Friday- Friday was ok. for some reason i was feeling really homesick and once again questioning, Why am i here? But friday night i went into the city with a friend from school, got some ice cream and hot chocolate and walked around for like 2 hours. Speaking German the whole time. YES! then i came home and watched Crash, which was such a good movie but really sad.
I think my main struggle in germany is this: for 18 years i have poured everything into my life in Fort collins. Family, Friends, school, sports, youth group and life in general. Who you are becomes defined but what you do, who you know, how smart you are ect. When this is taken away one is left with the question: who am i? Was i the one who defined my life or did my life define me? You begin to find out who you really are, and at times that is a scary adventure. But sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the same. funny how that works.
There is an old Zen story about a Monk being chased by ferocious tiger. the monk is running from tiger, when he comes to the edge of cliff, he looks back and sees the tiger about to attack but at the last second he spots a rope hanging over the end of the cliff, he grabs it and begins to climb down. As the monk is hanging there he looks down and sees a quarry of jagged rocks 500 feet below him, he looks up and sees the tiger waiting at the edge of cliff. just then two mice begin nawing at the rope. So what can he do? The monk looks around and sees a strawberry within arms reach growing on the side of the cliff. He reaches out, picks it, eats it and exclaims
"That was the best strawberry i have ever tasted in my whole life."
Think about that for the rest of your life....
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
A long weekend here in Germany...

Hello friends and family. (germans dont smile in pictures, just trying to fit in)
Its cold here in Germany today. You can feel the winter slowly creeping back. Most people dont enjoy leaving the summer months behind but i love this time of year!
I had such a relaxing weekened these past 4 days, which was exactly what i needed.
Friday night i experienced my first german party outside of a club. I went to some kids birthday party with some really cool people. We walked like 30 minutes into the woods of Hann. Muenden to this littel house/shed. Ya, can you say Blair witch project. anyways, i survived and had a really good time. Talked wiht some guys from my soccer team and found out that i could play in a game this upcoming saturday! Which i am very excited for. I got home around 3 o'clock and slept until noon. It felt good to sleep in. I woke up, got something to eat and began the challenging task of doing nothing. I watched alot of TV, a movie or two, talked to people back home and didn't take a shower until about 7:30 at night. After i took a shower, some of Phillips friends came over and we watched Garden state in German. I was really proud of myself because i understood alot. It helps when you have seen the movie in English. After that we went to this thing called a Stufferparty. Which is a party put on by the 13th class were they sell a bunch of alcohol so they can pay for their big party at the end of the year. I'm not exactly sure if thats right since i was told about it in German. Anyways, i went hung out for a little bit, was really tired, so i left and walked back home with a couple people from school. I got home around 2:30, wasent that tired anymore because the 30 minute walk home had woke me up, so i decided to watch some tv. Now i had been warned about watching late night German tv, so i was like well i will just watch CNN. Well, CNN wasent that interesting so i switched over to the sports channel. Well, to say the least, the sports channel must end some time after midnight because they were definitely not playing soccer. So, for future reference i will stick to watching CNN.
I got up sunday, lounged around, watched some TV, watched a movie, read, slept and all of sudden it was 10 o'clock and i went back to bed. ummmm...
Monday progressed in much of the same way. nothing big to report there.
Tuesday was German reunification day, similar to our 4th of July. I got up early and went to Gotha (a city here in Germany) with Luis (the other exchnage student in my town) and his host family (aka my third host family) My 3rd host father is a memeber of the Lions Club, so we joined other Lions and toured a Castle in Gotha. I was really interesting but kinda boring because the tour was in German. After that we went to Best Western (ya i know, who would thought) and had a really good lunch. Then we went with the president of the lions club in Gotha and toured around the city a little and then went back to his house. I honestly thought i was entering the shire. I think this is about as traditonal as a German house can get. We sat around and ate for about 3 hours. Cake, sweets, coffee, wine, pizza. I think i put on about 5 pounds.
Everyone was really nice but the presidents wife was super hard to understand. She was Slavikian, and she grew up in East germany. Ya, thats a fun accent. I got home around 8 and watched a movie with my host brothers and then went to bed.
Well, its october now. Everyday is a constant rollercoaster of emotion. German is frustrating because i feel like i have no personality when i speak it. So ist das leben. Each morning presents a new day, with new experiences and new stories. I feel like i live thousands lifetimes in a day. But i do my best to live each day to the fullest and soak up every moment.
Good night, and Good luck...
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