Thursday, October 12, 2006


A year ago tommorow i found out that I was chosen to be an exchange student in the year 2006-2007.

"Dear Tyler
Thank you for taking the time to return for a second interview today. It has been a difficult task to narrow our selections to only four students. The committee would like to inform you that you have been chosen as one of those four people. Congratulations!"

It seems crazy to think that this journey started one year ago. So much has changed since i made that decesion to "accept" this exchange. I dont think i would even recognize myself.

So, we have been in crisis mode here in Deutschland. THE COFFEE MACHINE NEEDS A NEW FILTER. That has meant no coffee for the past 3 days. What can one do??? Well, do not fear, a new filter comes tommorow. But not wanting to wait until then, and deeming it ok, Inga and i went back to drinking our daily amount of coffee. A cup or two or three for me and alot of espresso for her. Know i just need to find a way to get that coffee machine back home with me. :)

Today was a really good day. i didn't have my first 3 classes because the teachers are gone and Germans dont believe in substitutes. so i slept in until 9:45 and then went to school. School was boring as usual but hopefully some day that will not be the case.
I came home, ate, started signing up for the Euro tour at the end of the year, which is a huge 3 week trip all through out europe from March 16-April 7th. That is going to be an amazing way to end the year. After that i took a bike ride, because it was a beautiful fall day here and know i'm just relaxing at the ol' house here.

Now for another round of Tyler's thoughts on Germany....

First, i must echo what my good friend brent said about this little thing we like to call a "foreign exchange.' (thanks for the insight brent) This year really does feel like a Christmas present that you really really wanted. You wait and wait for so long, with so much anticipation but when it comes the excitement lasts for a while and then you want to move on to something else.

Second, this exchange has taught me to appreciate the little things in life. A cup of coffee, watching a good tv show aka Lost, after eights or candy in general, a good meal, coming home and seeing i have an email or a message from a family member or friend. Talking with friends. MUSIC and a thousand other things each day that keep me going.

well....i think thats all for today. one more day of school then a 2 week break!!!!

Oh ya i want a T-shirt that says I'm not retarted...just foreign.

i love you all



Eric said...

You should go on to and make it yourself! I just made myself a t-shirt with a math joke that only I will get. But it's funny!

I want to know why European food maker people don't send stuff like chocolate, etc. over here to America! Whenever somebody goes over there they always find heaps of crap that taste amazing. The companies would make so much money and would make us so happy if they would give us their food too. Plead our case for us, o Tyler of Germany.

Brent said...

tyler, here's some more insight for you.

1. it's "now" not "know"
2. i'm coming to visit you in t-minus ten days. get ready.

Eric said...

Tyler, I know I've already left a thought provoking comment on this blog , but I need to write one more.

With all your going on about Lost and and how good it is, Lys and I rented the 1st two discs from the 1st season last night... and watched all 8 episodes on them. We're addicted. And we're not going to give it up! Not like that wimp Charlie and his drugs, no... we want more...

On another Lost related side-note, Lys has a cousin who's husband actually knife hunts wild boars for fun. My guess is that he's a very bored, insane person.

This is America, signing off.

Brent said...

sorry to burst your bubble, but you actually ARENT an exchange student in germany.

but, on a lighter note, i am coming to visit you in t-minus 9 days, OFFICIALLY, as the letters got to my main man Klaus Hintzen